Best Conversion Prog?


New member
Hi All,

I'm interested to know what members regard as the best AVI to DVD conversion programme. Not really interested in speed of conversion, just quality and ease of use.



New member
Duracell said:
best in quality matter are ChickenMan's ways to convert with CCE 2.50;
have a look at our tutorials:

Greetings from
I must add my tiny, tinny voice to that of the giants that have commented before me. I heartily recommend use of da chickens tutorial :D .

It takes a bit of focus the first time, but as he suggests within the tutorial, you can save the settings as 99 % of the time you only tweak a couple of variables. Once I've loaded the settings I can go from zero to encoding a new avi file within 20 seconds with most excellent and consistent results :cool: .