Best cheapest pv to tv card in uk?

hi guys

I have plenty of dvd quality movies files on my pc, encoding these files to burn on a disk takes ages, so i was wondering whether
buying a pc to tv would be better. I do have a dv500plus editing card which i use it with premiere software, it does let me play

these files but it requires rendering before hand which takes hours!!
Anybody know which pc to tv card would be most suitable for me
and even better - a way to get my video editing card to work as a pc to tv card.

thanks in advance

As far as I know the dv500plus features only work with Premiere wich doesn´t have preview options trough the card, so your best chance could be to get a 3d accelerator with tv out, a geforce 2mx based card should be around $100 us or you culd try using your dv500 with Vegas wich is faster.