Backing up sims unleashed in clone cd

I've tried and tried to burn a backup of the Sims Unleashed. I'm using the Safedisc 2 w/ AWS profile in Clone CD (because I have a 0 sheep burner). The copy will work in my burner, but it will not work in my cd rom. It crashes after the first loading screen, the one where you can still see the desktop in the background. One thing I think that I might be doing wrong is I'm not sure what settings to use with my burner, the settings that you change by right-clicking on the icon of your burner after you click "write from image". I have it set on RAW DAO, is that what I need it on to copy a safedisc 2? I don't need a 1:1 copy. As long as it works, I'm fine. Any help would be great!:D
RAW DAO is fine for SD2, even RAW SAO I guess would be ok.

That game I believe is protected with v2.80.010 and CloneCD is somewhat unreliable with v2.8x and 2.9x, due to the pre-gap protection, although I would suspect that is not the issue.

For a 0 sheep burner you are probably going to have to emulate the weak sectors.