Avast 32 antivirus instalation problems!

I was using F-Secure under winxp sp1, but I decide to try avast becouse it checks mail and it's free for home using.

But the problems is that I can't get a succesfull instalation of avast32av. I uses as default email client Microsoft Outlook Exlpress, so I run the configuration wizard, and then check the changes made in the accounts settings (that are normal in this kind of antivirus that check mail). When I try to check mail, a message appears: Avast32 Internet Mail Plugin cannot scan mail becouse no resident task that uses "Internet mail" provider is running. Run the resident task and try again, please.

Another thing is that I think there should appear some icons at the system tray as the "real time monitor" function is on.

u have to edit a resident protection & turn on INTERNET MAIL

setup it right

and run mail plug-in

and the resident protection must be in memory when u use outlook