audio not synchoon with video


New member
Please help,

I got a 25000 fps movie mrbrooks, but when de movie is made from
avi to dvd the audio got a delay.
When i open avi in filmmachine there's no delay 0ms see logfile

The FilmMachine Avi-Info Logfile

AVI Information
Filename: brooks.avi
Filesize: 25,6 MB
Streams (i.e. Video, Audio): 2
Compression Codec: DivX 5
Resolution: 600 x 328 (16/9)
Bitrate: 590 Kbps
Duration: 300,00 s (5m 0s)
Frame Rate: 25.000 fps
Frames: 7500
Audio 1
Wave Codec: MPEG-1/2 L3
Avg. Bitrate: 112 Kbps
Sampling Rate: 48 Khz
Channels: 2
Delay: 0 ms
Audio 2
Wave Codec:
Avg. Bitrate:
Sampling Rate: