audio cd's backup's

Sorry, I'm new with the newest with alcohol, maybe i'm making a dumb question, sorry for that.
just bought and audio cd that has a protection called cdextra
how can I make a backup copy?
for that matter, does alcohol, with the cd inserted, recognize what kind of protection it has?
how do i get the program to do or how can I find such a thing?
yeah, you're all right, the copy protection is cactus
thks for the info

but what about that second part? if i don't know what kind of protection the cd has (game or audio) how can alcohol detect it and make a perfect backup copy?
To backup Cactus Shild you need special burner. Try to use Alcoholer to set right settings. You can find Alcoholer also on this forum
You don't need a special burner to backup a Cactus Data Shield CD... but you do need a special READER. And the safe way out is ripping the audio tracks out, not making a dumb 1:1 copy.


Gold Member
scarecrow said:
but you do need a special READER
Scarecrow is right and the most recommended readers are the latest plextor cd-writer or the plextor scsi-cdrom´s from 12x to 40x
Master said:
Scarecrow is right and the most recommended readers are the latest plextor cd-writer or the plextor scsi-cdrom´s from 12x to 40x
don't forgett to mention Yamaha's F1 and the 52x LiteOn;


Gold Member
I have a 48@52 liteon and i wouldn´t recommend it as a reader.

My old 12/20TSI plextor scsi cdrom is still more impressive when it comes to audio copy protections.

I heard that the yamaha should be a good solution too but i don´t have any experiences with this drive.
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Master said:
I have a 48@52 liteon and i wouldn´t recommend it as a reader.
i don't know about the flashed 48x, but i read at some other forums (you know them) the new 52x LiteOn with latest FW will copying all audio protections; personally i have no LiteOn experience, but i have a Yamy F1; :)
Burners and copy protection

You can check protection type with "clony" from or via:
Daemon Tools (virtual cdrom) includes help files that explain the copy parameters such as sub codes etc.
A Plextor Writer is just about the only burner that will re-establish
(read and write these codes) to your proposed CD.
You will generally find that CDRWIN will copy most music CD`s if you firstly create a "cue and bin" then burn from them. Clone CD will often be a good alternative.
I find alchohol, a magic tool for all sorts of data CD burning but it fails on music CD`s. Maybe I simply have not burnt many music CD`s thus my information is sparse but a friend uses CDRWIN for music very efficiently. He copies hundreds of music cd`s and mostly Karaoke.