ASPI [ won't work ]

i just recently upgraded an older pc i have to windows ME. it has two CD/WR drives and both of them worked great. i wanted to put CDEX on this computer and did so. once i did it would lock up everytime i tried to open the application (CDEX). i assumed i needed the new Adaptec ASPI drivers. i d/led the new package from Adaptec (4.70.1) and installed it. now CDEX loads and opens but does not recognize either of my drives and i can't play audio cd's with any of my installed players on either drive now whether in digital mode or analog.
an error comes up with Windows Media Player 9 series saying " can't play CD's in digital mode switch to analog. i know both cds' play in digital mode, because they did so b4 i installed the new Adaptec aspi layer drivers.
i have an older version of Aspicheck and the newest(came w/4.70.1package) and the newest says aspi drivers installed and functioning and the old aspicheck says drivers are not installed correctly that one was replaced with an older version.
b4 i installed the new aspi drivers i was running like a 4.00 version aspi layer and it all worked fine except for no CDEX!!!!
im sure ive just done something stupid and installed the wrong one but im having a brain lock and can't figure it out.
It"s a common problem.version 4.60 aspi are the only reliable aspi layer.Use our search function to find forceaspi threads.You will need this file below.


woody said:
Look at this thread. ;)

thanx woody. hahahaha i was reading about ForceASPI as your post came thru via email. im at work now , but i have already downloaded it. i m going to take it home tonight and try to fix my aspi layer of drivers.

this is off subject, but i tried to put the WIndows Media Player 9 series install package on my iomega zip drive to take home and install and it locked up the pc here at work. now i can't get access to the zip disk that i tried to write it too. i t keeps saying that it's write / protected and can't write to disk. same happens when i try to format Zip disk. have i ruined it. was there some failsafe mechanism in window media 9 that could have locked up my zip drive disks? like i said this is off the wall for this thread and im probably gonna post it elswhere, but you and poach seem quite knowledgable and i figured you might have some hints. thanx!!!!!!
You better read this thread regarding WMP9.It installs it's own burning software.There are directions somewhere to remove it.Can't help you myself as I won't install WMP 9.
Zip drives / media don't need any help to go bad.

I'd recommend reading ALL sections for a HORRIFYING read - especially "Is it contagious" for how a damaged cartridge can be DEATH to any drive you place it in - though this is NOT the "click of death" issue itself.

The "Trouble in Paradise" tool MAY be able to tell you the state of the cartridge, but inspecting for physical damage is also adviseable - as described, one full turn from the HUB, with the shutter held open, looking for any rips in the edge.
Thanks LTR12101B. ;) Anyways... don't think it is advisable to save WMP9 install files to disc.Also don't advise using WMP9 unless you absolutely need it.As far as I know you can only run the exec on the computer you downloaded to(not save on disc). :confused:
drives working w/forceaspi

most excellent gentlemen!!!! i went home last night and unzipped ForceAspi(4.6 drivers) , ran killaspi to get rid of the original, did a files search on the recently deleted files to make sure killaspi worked(it did), ran installaspi and WAH-LA!!! the drives were readable with all my software!!!! like i said most excellent. im usuallly one to ask why didn't the new drivers work , but back in bidness, so no questions.
One interesting thing tho, b4 all this happened with updating to the new driver aspi layer(did so because i wanted to use CDEX and it wouldn't open until i updated) i installed a newer HP CD/RW drive along with already having a HP 9100 series drive installed(by the way , no matter who says what. the 9100 has been an excellent drive). the 9100 passed all of NERO's CD speed tests with good results as well as the new HP drive( don't know wat model but it's a 8X4X32 i thinx. it came from my dad's pc when we put in the DVD burner), but when i play audio CD's thru it, i get pops and cracks and skips. i have the enable digital audio playback box checked in options as well as CDEX and WMP9. the 9100 plays audio cd's fine (no cracks or noises).
i went ahead and ripped one wave file with the cracking HP drive and heard no cracking noises within the file, but this scared me and im afraid to rip cd's with this drive. i wonder why it would get a rating of 10 with accurate streaming on the CD speed tests and still perform like it is? Now WMP9 will play audio CD's thru the cracker drive with no clicks or pops(maybe an occasional pop at the end of tracks, not sure), but when i try to play thru the cracker drive w/CDEX nothing but garbled music full of cracks and pops!!
i even popped the cover and disconnected the analog wire to the sound card to see if i was actually getting digital playback and it didn't affect the prob. same condition with sound card wire disconnected or not. anyone had similiar probs to these........IM using Windows ME with the 4.6 forceaspi layer drivers installed.
I also have WMP9 installed and as of last night saw nowhere to uninstall it. i looked in the folder inside C:programs/Window Media Player, control panel/add-remove progs., etc. and could not find an uninstaller for it. i guess im stuck wit WMP9 on that setup unless Woody's link on WMP9 tells me something. going there now, lata!
LTR12101B said:
Zip drives / media don't need any help to go bad.

I'd recommend reading ALL sections for a HORRIFYING read - especially "Is it contagious" for how a damaged cartridge can be DEATH to any drive you place it in - though this is NOT the "click of death" issue itself.

The "Trouble in Paradise" tool MAY be able to tell you the state of the cartridge, but inspecting for physical damage is also adviseable - as described, one full turn from the HUB, with the shutter held open, looking for any rips in the edge.

i haven' t gone to your link yet , but i intend to.
no there are no tears or bad places in the zip disk(iomega). this all started when i tried to put the install package of WMP9 on my zip drive to take home with me to install there as well. once i tried on the first cartridge it acted real funny and said the disk is full. it was pretty full, so i assumed it was a valid error and preceded to insert the next zip cartridge(known to be formatted , clean, & empty). when i tried to drag & drop (or cut & paste) onto the zip it locked and i had to do a manual restart. once i got back on the drives were locked and said they were write protected (copywrited) and could not write to disk. i even tried to format them and would get thru 90% of format then "cannot write to disk "copyrighted"!". im gonna read up on the linx you posted and if i fix them or find anything out ill post.
it kind of reminds me of some software iv seen in the past that will only install on the pc that d/ld's it like Woody said. ive also seen express versions of NERO that will only work with the drive they were sold with ( talk about cheap haha).
Try lowering your write speed to eliminate the noise on audio cd's or use better media.I recommend Exact Audio Copy or Feurio for audio.It's not the reading/ripping,but the writing.Just my thoughts. ;)
Chronic Canada!!!

woody said:
Try lowering your write speed to eliminate the noise on audio cd's or use better media.I recommend Exact Audio Copy or Feurio for audio.It's not the reading/ripping,but the writing.Just my thoughts. ;)

hey goes it today in the CHRONIC CApitol of the world?!?!?!
hahaha....anywayz, yah man i haven't burnt anything with that drive yet. it's like almost brand new. it came w/dad's newer pc and we took it out when i put in the DVD drive. that's when i first found this forum and started contorting with you guys. but yah, it hasn't burned one cd. all these audio cd's i speak of are either original or burned by another (good) drive(the 9100HP alwayz worx no matter wat software). im almost sure this a good drive(the one that clix when you play any audio cd). i just thinx it's not configured right. are the oem drives that come with newer pc's equipped w/XP any different than these older ones im using as far as compatibility goes? i wonder........anywayz thanx for the input man. take it easy!
Not sure what the problem is.Should not play any differently on an Xp machine or newer hardware.An audio expert will have to help you diagnose the problem.I have never encountered these types of playback issues. ;)
I had both an IDE HP 9100 and a SCSI one (9210). Both belonging to the first good series of this drive, OEM Sony Xpressa 140e and 140s respectively. Later HP used secondclass OEM units for the 9100 series, much poorer than the Sonys.
140e has a maximum usable ripping speed of approx. 8X at secure mode, and it's C2 error correction information is not very reliable(e.g. in Feurio it has been disabled, as it causes problems). HP has never issued firmware upgrades for it... Also, it can read CD-Text when it reads at RAW mode only. In short, you can certainly find much better audio readers than this one.
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the damn thing worx!!!!

scarecrow said:
I had both an IDE HP 9100 and a SCSI one (9210). Both belonging to the first good series of this drive, OEM Sony Xpressa 140e and 140s respectively. Later HP used secondclass OEM units for the 9100 series, much poorer than the Sonys.
140e has a maximum usable ripping speed of approx. 8X at secure mode, and it's C2 error correction information is not very reliable(e.g. in Feurio it has been disabled, as it causes problems). HP has never issued firmware upgrades for it... Also, it can read CD-Text when it reads at RAW mode only. In short, you can certainly find much better audio readers than this one.

i agree. both 9100's i have are excellent drives. i have never had trouble with either of them, but this IDE 8x4x32 is a different story. i know drives are cheap now but i hate having something that i know worked great on my dad's pc and won't on mine due to my ignorance. with that said, thanx to you guys here at the forum and a few special linx i found here and there, i fixed the problem. it now reads audio clean and crisp on all players installed including CDEX.
i read the Faq/link posted by Woody earlier in this thread and found my problem decribed to a T! ( found here )

apparently what it was......was the error correction inside the option tab of WMP9. i deselected it, changed my read sectors in CDEX (lowered it), turned off the Lock Drive option in CDEX, and enabled allow digital playback in Control Panel/System/cdrom(both drives). i also went ahead and removed the analog wire to my sound card from my drive , so that it will never revert to analog mode and still play(that;s just for me , so i know if it quits playing again , it's not playing in analog w/out wire)

i also agree with you about this being a shaky(or under par) drive. im going to do all my playing, cdrom reading, and burns for others(hahaa) on the IDE8x4x32
and all the audio ripping/encoding on my known good drive(9100HP[it's slo but so consistent. hell 15x audio extraction is quite quick enuff for my old machines. haha you all would laugh if i told you what kind of machines im actually using, but hey they get the job done and really don't take that long to do it. i keep my anti virus software updated, scan disc every 3 weeks, and defrag every 25 dayz or so. they run smooth as silk most of the time, and when i have a prob, i usually fix it thanx to great forums ;) ]) that way i will preserve the life of the 9100 as long as possible.
thanx fellas for your time and help!!! :D
LTR12101B said:
Zip drives / media don't need any help to go bad.

I'd recommend reading ALL sections for a HORRIFYING read - especially "Is it contagious" for how a damaged cartridge can be DEATH to any drive you place it in - though this is NOT the "click of death" issue itself.

The "Trouble in Paradise" tool MAY be able to tell you the state of the cartridge, but inspecting for physical damage is also adviseable - as described, one full turn from the HUB, with the shutter held open, looking for any rips in the edge.

thanx for the link man. i downloaded that .exe and checked my zip drive and cartridges with it. thank goodness no cllick of Death hahhaa. the drive is fine. the cartridges were scrapped with everything on them. owell, i thinx it was the WMP9 install package i tried to put on it, but everybody tells me that's not so, so i don't know what caused it. it did work great until i tried to copy/paste the WMP9 install package for WinME. it locked up not one zip cart but two. that seems to me like it was what i tried to put on them, but who knows. everyone says that' snot tru so..............