Aspect Ratio Question


New member

I have just converted my first .avi to DVD using this guide the guide is very easy to follow and the output quality was fantastic, however the aspect ratio is wrong. The source .avi was a fullscreen 4:3, 576 x 432 but when it was converted and the dvd video files burned and played back on stand-alone there was 2 big black borders down both sides of the film. i have searched and read that to get a fullscreen 4:3 output you have to choose this option 16:9(borders added, Encode as 4:3) in dvd2svcd, is this right?

nemesis01 said:
i have searched and read that to get a fullscreen 4:3 output you have to choose this option 16:9(borders added, Encode as 4:3) in dvd2svcd, is this right?
yes, AFAIK this is bug in dvd2svcd; you can pre-check the result via still image in dvd2svcd: Go > preview window (still picture);

Greetings from