Apology to cdrsoft

Hello to cdrsoft! I really enjoy your site. I just started learning about downloads last week, and I think I might have inadvertently contributed to some of your problems. I am very sincerely sorry about this if it is in fact true. I had been over to Acedown.net and had been using their recommended downloading program... flashget. I didn't realize that this was a "download manager"(I didn't understand the distinction at that point), and I also didn't realize that you didn't want them to be used on your site. So, I set up a few programs and let them download at night while I was sleeping.

I had read your faq and most of your site and had never seen anything discouraging download managers... please add this to your faq and also make it clear on your download pages.

I was being directed to your cdrsoft servers... which read "may be slow"... in this directing something read... "and maybe you have to disable your download accelerator"... well... I tookk that to mean that if a person was using the program "Download Accelerator", that the download might not work. So I tried using flash get... thinking that you were citing a possible bug with Download Accelerator... the commercial program... with your server. Surely enough, flashget worked.

(Also... the "maybe" is very misleading. What the directing page should read is "You must not use a download program other than your browser's internal program!" Or something like that. Something a little more specific for newbies. Also... explaining this in the faq would be a great help.)

I just came back to check out your site today, and then read your recent news items only to see that the server crashed because of a "download manager" that was making many connections for one file. Then I was like "Oh shit! I hope that wasn't me, because that is certainly not my intention!"

If it was me, I sincerely apologize... and it certainly won't happen again. I'm very new to this scene, and I am bound to make a few mistakes... at any rate, hopefully my mistakes can go a long way towards "newbie proofing" this place.

I am very sorry, and if you wish for me not to come back, then I will certainly honor that.

P.S. Another confusing thing is that flashget doesn't integrate itself in the menu of the browser... so I didn't realize that it was trying to use it first... and now I do realize it. These programs are wacky!

I also apologize to everyone here for my newbie-ness mental retardation syndrome.
no need to worry dude. everyone does it the first time. including me. flashget rocks so much its a shame if you cant use it for a dload. i still do it now from time to time. :D just remember to change the split parts to 1 instead of the default 5.

Thanks for the warm welcome and understanding! I can tell that I'll be hanging around here for awhile! :) I just placed my first "quality" post on the "recommended sites" section, so check it out if you are so inclined, if not, have a great day anyways.


Staff member
Did take some tiem till I found your post :p
The problem was a download manager, or most likely ..
We had some nice users which opend about 100 connections at the same time ...
And that did kick the server aboard ...
Not you with 1 or maybe 5 connections, that ins´t a problem for the sever ! BUt some people did abuse the server. I think they didn´t do that misstakenly. So I wrote a little script ..
If somebody opens more then 5 connections the same time -> banned via the firewall .. :)

So no worries, it wasn´t you, for sure :)