Apache server on RedHat 7.3

Hello, I can't connect to apache webserver on redhat 7.3. I was trying h**p://localhost and h**p://, but browsers only show message "network error" and it's all.

the server is running and the config must be good, because I have it from redhat 7.2 where was everything ok.
do you have any ideas?

thanx. wolf
Do you mind posting your configuration file? It might be helpful for us to look at in order to give you some ideas as to why it is not working.
Hello, I'm posting apache config file , but I think it's ok because I have used it in RedHat 7.2 and the there were no problems...

here is something from error_log:

[Sun Sep 22 00:10:15 2002] [notice] Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) PHP/4.1.2 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Sep 22 00:10:15 2002] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Sun Sep 22 00:11:39 2002] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down

the last is the problem, but why is apache shutting down?

2 ZoZekool: I don't know if I understand what you mean, but httpd deamon is running or I should enable something else?

Thanks for your help


OK....give this a shot. Change directories to /usr/sbin and then as root (or use sudo) do:

#chmod 4711 suexec

If that does not work, then reinstall PHP. Now that I see your error message, it is most likely a problem with one of the modules you are loading and it is also most likely that it is a third-party one like PHP.

P.S. You might want to upgrade your Apache to at least 1.3.26 as there is a pretty large whole in the version you are using now. You also should upgrade PHP to 4.2.3 for the same reason.
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no network wasn't enabled, now it works thanks very much ZoZekool.

I'm not total newbie to linux, but I must learn very much things :)