AMD AthlonXP 2600 part 2 & lawsuit

another interesting article on the benchmarks and SysMark:


As we reported in Part 1 of this review, AMD confirmed to us that it has joined BAPCo as a full member. The chipmaker undertook this surprising move with the hope that it might be able to help "correct" a benchmark that it currently characterizes as "broken."

We discovered that Intel chairs the BAPCo desktop performance committee which is the body that is responsible for SysMark. This is not much of a surprise.

Much more importantly, AMD reluctantly admitted that due to BAPCo's nature as primarily a meeting facilitator, Intel itself has been providing software engineers for the development of the SysMark products. When pressed further, the AMD representative admitted that it is likely that all SysMark development so far has been conducted internally at Intel by Intel.
**this is even more interesting (from the same page):
As we have reported recently, a group of Pentium 4 owners has lodged a class action lawsuit against Intel. This group of disgruntled Intel customers charge the chipmaker with misrepresenting the true performance of the Pentium 4 in comparison with the Pentium III and Athlon processors.

AMD's discoveries covered here offer potent ammunition for conviction since the data bluntly shows that Intel's actions to mislead customers were calculated and deliberate.


Intel cheating on a benchmark?! Oh no, my happy little delusional world is shattered! :rolleyes: