Adaptec ASPI Drivers 4.72

you don´t need download aspiinst.exe for Win9x, because this file is renamed and the new name is aspinit.exe for win9x... so install. For XP user is install.bat with parameter XP32 or XP64... Enyoy....
4.6 is the best...
I've tried all those 4.7 and they sucked @$$
Its like, clonyxxl doesn't work well with it and some programs too.
I'd stick to 4.6
Hollowman said:
... it´s bug? or what?
There's nothing there but bugs :D
The whole thing is really typical Adaptec = sux.
By some incredible miracle they got ver 4.60 right, stick to it.
From my experience, it is not so much the aspi drivers that have problems, but rather software looks for aspi 9x driver listings in the registry . . . when they are not found, the progs fail.

WinXP only needs two of the four files used in 9x, but it will function with all four installed on the system.

Older progs (CDRwin comes to mind) will not work on my system unless it finds all four files.

As for the 4.7x aspi series, I cannot remember where I found it (here, CDRsoft thread?), but there was a simple registry listing that was missing from 4.70 (fixed in later releases?) that was needed. After adding the registry settings, everything modern seems to work wonderfully (Nero, WinDVD, etc.)
Well I reverted back to 4.60, all the so called 4.7x gave me nothing but pure system instability etc. Be aware it if ain't broke, then dont mess.

Greetz The Diplomat :)
Righ address to Adaptec Windows ASPI Package 4.71.2 for 98Nt2kMeXp
I got that new aspi layer, not installing it, but like I said I don't advise anyone too use it, just stick with 4.60, which works and doesn't cause problems.

Wether you agree or not, there are many members on this forum who will support me on the 4.60 aspi drivers
4.60.XX is the only ASPI layer version I know of...
4.7X.XX is an advanced fdisk utility, but I don't know how to use it... there is no included documentation of the commandline switches! :rolleyes:
Yep i tried the newer ines & had a lot of lockups when tryin 2 burn, went back 2 4.60 & not a prob since:)

4.60 is the best as far as im concerned:)

@scarecrow nice 1 about the fdisk:):p
