Achieving a 100%

Giving 100% or more!

How often do we wonder if we hear all others are already giving a 100% ?!?

How often are we told we need to give a 100% or even better above that, just to secure our job or to get promoted ?!?

But simple math and good ol' english can help us to understand and achieve this!

Just take numbers for each letter of the alphabet like this:
  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
You have a good start to get enlightened!
But still let me help ya :D

  H  A  R  D  W  O  R  K
  8  1 18  4 23 15 18 11 => 98%
  K  N  O  W  L  E  D  G  E
 11 14 15 23 12  5  4  7  5 => 96%

  A  T  T  I  T  U  D  E
  1 20 20  9 20 21  4  5 => 100% (1st goal achived!)
[B]NO Matter[/B] what kind of attitude we're talking 'bout!

  B  U  L  L  S  H  I  T
  2 21 12 12 19  8  9 20 => 103% (now we can give more then [B]just[/B] 100%)
So what do we know now ?!?
Knowledge and hard work, will just get you close to the goal you are asked to achive, but with real bullshit you get the requested maximum output of 100+%

But since i'm in a good mood, i tell ya a secret, on how to really impress your boss, your colleagues, and take the path that all above you in hierarchy have choosen before!

Here we go! The ultimate Key to success:

  A  S  S  K  I  S  S  I  N  G
  1 19 19 11  9 19 19  9 14  7 => 127% (WOW!)
Noticed something ?!?
Only the last will let you deliver what your boss and company really want from you!

So now that you know how you easily can secure your job, and fullfil the expectation put on you. Lean back and enjoy the rest of your day at work!

127% geewee :D
PS:Now I know why my boss wanted an extra 25 to 30% more work from mi...I Gave him 100% pure hell....