8x media burns at 2.4x, why?


New member
what up

i just bought some 8x fuji dvds but i have a 4x liteon ldw 411s burner, so why does it burn at 2.4x instead of 4x like i thought it would?

whats the deal?
Probably unsupported media......your drive doesn't recognise the mediacode of the blancs and burns at safe mode for unknown media...
Or DMA disabled...
Fuji media are (mainly) TY- high quality and widely supported. A firmware upgrade wouldn't harm, of course.


New member
DMA disabled? could u explain what that is exactly? and how to enable this "DMA"

also, how do i upgrade firmware? i dont know much about that?

thanx alot.
It sounds like the media code may not be supported by the firmware, so the fallback will be to 2.4x on that drive (16x drives, and full 8x +/-R drives, tend to have a 4x default).

At higher risk, there are tools that can patch new media codes into the firmware, though this is dependent on finding an existing media code that works well with, like TYG02 for a lot of -R media (possibly a reason why some of the cheap media brands do "fake TY", as the strategy is usually pretty good on most drives).

Nero Infotool. CDspeed and several other programs can report the media code.

It sems that "FUJI" branded media (8x -R) could be:

1. TYG02 - "genuine TY" - excellent
2. FUJIFILM03 - Some good results, not sure if the code would be in 411S firmware though.
3. ProdiscF01 - ugh!

Another media that used to be FUJIFILM03 switched to ProdiscF01 - with miserable results - in some cases, simply that it puts it on default (unknown media) strategy, and that's slow, bad or both!