Re IBM 40 GB
I didn't know about the IBM utilities mentioned by LTR12101B but now I've downloaded them I'm very glad to have them. After working non stop for 15 hours my two IC35L040AVER07-0 disks showed a temperature of 41 degrees (the advice was to keep them between 10 and 60 degrees). I also did the thorough disk fitness test and everything was O.K.
Of course only time and statistics will tell. I notice that IBM claim that most people complaining about their products are barking up the wrong tree, but it would be interesting to have some statistics about individual IBM plants (Thailand or Hungary for instance):
"Incorrect diagnosis of the hard drive is expensive for the OEM system manufacturer, but incorrect diagnosis is discovered only when the returned hard drive is tested and verified as No Defect Found (NDF). Unfortunately, the drive replacement cost has already been incurred, yet the true system problem might still be uncorrected.
Many IBM OEM customers' telephone support centers receive problem calls within 30 days of shipment from the owners of as many as one to two percent of the new systems shipped. A significant number of these calls involve problems that potentially result in unnecessary hard drive replacements, so up to one percent of hard drives might potentially be returned within 30 days of shipment. It has been the experience of IBM, however, that approximately 80 percent of these returns are NDF. Many of the remaining 20 percent are found to have been damaged by the end user but replaced at the system OEM's expense.
In addition to the cost, hard drive replacement is traumatic and disruptive for end users and therefore should be viewed as the repair of last resort. If the hard drive is replaced but is not defective, the end user has experienced a disruption. Yet the underlying problem could still recur. According to a survey by PC Magazine¹, customer satisfaction with accurate repair is a key indicator in repeat buying. Based on 17,000 responses, repeat buying correlated more closely with repair satisfaction than with percent of systems needing repair."