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  1. L

    Care and handling guide

    50 page PDF availabe here Heavy going in places, but quite informative
  2. L

    We need a new look

    Try this Mad, eh, but can you do better? Another try For a good result, the choice of site to donate the format is crucial, some will work pretty well all the time, others are totally useless (like AOL).
  3. L

    Currency counterfeiters, don't expect to use....

    Currency couterfeiters, don't expect to use.... I put this as a funny, as it's pretty ridiculous#, especially with the mis-targeting of things like a collage of banknotes. In many cases, there is also no ban on the ARTISTIC use of...
  4. L

    Microsoft reprieve Win98/ME for 2 more years

    From a report on another forum, though no good first-hand source yet. It seems that under pressure from corporate users not ready to implement upgrades to XP, the last of the Win9x series get a a further, and probably final stay of execution - perhaps as some predicted, until the successor to...
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    NEC 1100a to 1300a (+/-)

    Have seen this mentioned, have seen (and downloaded) the firmware. All previous reports say that it's NOT possible, that the hardware differences are too great. Well, the hacked firmware is said to do it, and someone on another forum reckons they did workable DVD-R burns with the flashmodded...
  6. L

    Was I lucky? - I'll find out!

    Wandering round my local computer fair, looking at one of the junk tables, I looked (for no particular reason) at a stack of ex-equipment CD-ROM drives. The name TEAC caught my eye (on the one at the top, actually) - and the number CD-W548E, I thought sounded like a writer - the High speed...
  7. L

    A couple of minutes amusement The trick, is to finish, though that should be easy enough to figure out!
  8. L

    Nero out - now

    Nero out Enough mirrors for you? This would seem to be an early release of the regular monthly update: No chanegelog yet, but what's the betting? 1. New Demo Expiry 2. Fix a few...
  9. L

    HP Memories Disc Creator

    Not sure if this represents permanent availability or only a temporary issue. 1. Program available from HP 2. Alternative site (contest closes 5th Jan 2004, and that may be the end of...
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    Nerovision Express

    Now out - this probably adds the multiprocessor hotfix, and maybe a few minor bugs (or do I mean bugfixes?) Update Package 2
  11. L

    The ultimate Christmas cracker joke (unless you have WORSE)

    What do you get from eating Christmas decorations? . . . . . . . . (not yet) . . . . . . (it really is AWFUL) . . . . . . . TINSELITIS Was it worth waiting for?
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    Free hosting for 3 years?;jsessionid=F3ABE2822F3C6ED7C928667F56ED4651.TC61a?__frame=_top Promotional offer until 14th Jan 2004 500Mb space - 5Gb traffic per month - no ads Can YOU see any catches - other than it looks like it's only to USA.
  13. L

    My first successful Blood Donor (Platelets) session

    What was supposed to be my first was aborted when the machine failed to collect any, no idea why, though they suspect it was a faulty pack. Still, I knew some of what to expect..... And I hope I'm not going to put anyone off who might think of donating in this way. Blood pressure check - 159...
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    UBISOFT update bars all virtual CD imagers No, not just that it won't run FROM a virtual image, but that it will not run even if you use Daemon Tools as a timesaver to avoid loading one of several OTHER CD's
  15. L

    Merry Christmas to all at DVDRBASE

    Merry Christmas
  16. L

    For a limited time... StarOffice 7 Free Found link in the Mozillazine forum - have to jump through appropriate hoops to get it..... I'll be honest - I tried OTHER for just about everything, several other fields were just JUNK ... and the email was a mailinator one -
  17. L

    Any l33t Nvidiots? you could win some great stuff[US/Canada only] Two basic categories: 1. Lifelong Nvidia fan, you can name every Nvidia chip from way back 2. You repented from the evil ways of other makers (deserting arch-rival ATI would be a good step) and saw the Nvidia light and were guided by the *FORCE For...
  18. L

    The speed limit for CD's (bulletproof vest required) NB. They are equating CLV speeds , so a CAV 52x which only delivers 52x at the outer edge, actually rotates at 37% of that speed, and delivers a consequently lower throughput at the start. It IS, however, possible to explode a cracked CD in a drive at 52x CAV...
  19. L

    Just in time for Christmas Looks like this hoax is doing the rounds again - but that's not to say that an executable e-card could not be carrying something more than seasons greetings. Due caution with ANY attachments is always sensible.
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    Too many Coasters?
