Recent content by stevie_boz

  1. stevie_boz

    Demo: Warlords Battlecry 3

    This is one of the types of games i like..not that i've got the time to play at the mo, but you can get more info and download the demo Here
  2. stevie_boz

    Max payne 2...GOLD

    It's now gone gold!...Rockstar have stated it will be in stores in North America on October 15, 2003 and in Europe on October 24, 2003. PS2 and Xbox versions will be in stores on December 3, 2003. I'm really looking forward to this one ;)...
  3. stevie_boz

    Lotr: War Of The Ring Demo

    Get the demo comprising of 2 singleplayer missions (119.4mb) Here
  4. stevie_boz

    LOTR Return of the King Demo

    Get the demo (83.8mb) Here
  5. stevie_boz

    Greyhawk: Temple of Elemental Evil Demo

    Get the demo (804mb :eek: :eek: ) This is a 6hr limited demo after that period you can purchase a cdkey to turn it into the full version.Here Edit..the demo has been pulled due to a request by atari
  6. stevie_boz

    Empires: Dawn of The modern World Demo

    Demo info from Avault:"From renowned game designer Rick Goodman and respected game developer Stainless Steel Studios comes a detailed RTS that lets you completely command unique, historically accurate civilizations—from China to Germany and the United States. From the Medieval Age to World War...
  7. stevie_boz

    Commandos 3 demo

    Grab the demo (205mb) Here
  8. stevie_boz

    Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough multiplayer demo

    Here's the multiplayer demo (208mb) direct from ea's ftp Here and other download links Here Some info on the demo......The MOHAA Breakthrough demo will engage up to 32 players in fierce combat on two different maps: Anzio and Palermo. Experience the innovative new multiplayer Liberation mode...
  9. stevie_boz

    NHL 2004 Demo

    Get the demo (73.6mb) Here
  10. stevie_boz

    Star Wars Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy Demo

    Get the 2 mission singleplayer demo (187mb) Here or Here or Here
  11. stevie_boz

    Chrome demo

    I quite like this FPS....the demo is 314mb though!!...get it Here
  12. stevie_boz

    Homeworld 2 demo

    I'm looking forward to this game :) ...grab the demo (141mb) Here
  13. stevie_boz

    XIII Demo

    This is a cool cell shaded shooter..
  14. stevie_boz

    Tomb Raider Angel Of Darkness

    Well i was looking forward to this but alas they have "flogged this horse for too long"..........the control system is absolutely pants, it can be both frustratingly unresponsive and twitchy at the same time although you do get "sort" of used to it after awhile, i've been playing it for a couple...
  15. stevie_boz

    Securom New games Titles

    Securom 'New' Games Titles I'm currently compiling a list of Securom New (version3+) protected games to go with the safedisc2 protected list in the tutorials section you have any titles please feel free to post them in this thread:D...