New Admin

Chickenman was added as an administrator today.It was to show our appreciation for his hard work and dedication.Congratulations to him!!
@Zver.The administrators have total control of the forum.They can add forums,post announcements,etc.,and everything that the Super mods can do.

The Super Moderators are here to help people out with problems.They can edit posts,delete posts,and ban people (if necessary).They have access to all forums.

Moderators(which we don't have yet)Are usually assigned a forum to take care of what they specialize in.
Good on ya Chickenman. Not only are you one of the best traders out there, but now your also an administraiter.
new administartor

nice going there c-man hope your up to the task at hand,,,and congrats are in must have a lot of free time lol like us all do lol dax300