ZONE ALARM 3.0 instructions on a complete uninstall

if u didnt like ZA 3.0 and want an earlier version of ZA but when u uninstall it and install the earlier version it doesnt open is cus u didnt have a complete uninstall if u want the intrustions on how to take ZA 3.0 out of ue system for good and be able to install an earlier version email me for instructions:D and type ZA/help in the subject

I`m happy to see, I`m not the lonely one, when I go back to 2.x version
The 3.x takes double more (25%) of my resources...
But my instrument was "SecondChance" by Powerquest.
By the way - this forced me to try Sygate PF - and it is not bad.
I've never tried Kerio. Is it pretty simple to use or complicated? Is it free or are there retail versions available around here? I just might give it a try if I can find a copy. Is that the latest release?
been testing both versions out (ZAP 3 & Sygate 5).
Both have good & bad points. ZAP seems to be a little easier to manage as far as permissions go (but could be cause I'm used to it more, even if it doesn't look like older versions), while Sygate blocks better, but to update winXP the website won't let me, saying I need windows installed or some other kind of error message. I've tried disabling a few things under options & advanced, but still the same errors (even with allow all), until I just completely shut down Sygate.
Perhaps there are still some settings I need to change, but ZAP doesn't give me that problem.
But this also tells us Sygate does protect better.
Anyhow, will try testing some more & post any updates & workarounds I find (when time permits). I haven't had the problems others on winXP have had with ZAP, so on my system it seems to be working ok.
It was 2 settings in Sygate that had to be configured, but now works fine (even to update windows).

ok did more testing & this is the main problem with ZoneLabs:
vsmon.exe (virtual machine). Basically the coding in that is crap to the max!!
If too many packets are coming in at once then it just faulters & starts hogging CPU processes. This is very bad, cause makes the system very sluggish.
I've noticed in previous versions the vsmon.exe also caused some issues, but seems like the coding in that has gotten worse. This also seems to be set-off when you use/adjust addblocking.
Now I fully support the movement to stay away from ZAP 3!
Be afraid, be very afraid! lol
yes unfortunately it also doesn't allow you to look at many websites that have pics *naked or otherwise* lol, or do any online transactions I need from time to time.
But that can easily be fixed by just unchecking "Enable stealth mode browsing" & "Enable OS fingerprint masquerading", whenever needed.

That website won't let you update your existing OS, just update MS products (which I only have 3-> winXP/IE6/office). But again, you can easily just disable those to I mentioned when needing to update (which is perhaps once a month).