Yamaha CRW-F1E - Fireburner & WinCDR


Just replaced my old Plextor 40-12-40 with this drive.
Upgraded firmware to 1.0d

try to burn Bin/Cue - fireburner suggest only X1 And Max speed
My CDR Media are X32 tryes Maximum speed and my machine rebooted.

with CDRWIN 3.9b I got speeds X40 X24 X12 etc
its only recognize thw drive as X40.

My system : P4 512MB WinXP Pro.
Ide 1 : WD120
Ide2 : Yamaha CRW-f1
Philpc CDRWDVD2010 ( ComboDrive)
on a Siig Ide card
ide1 WD 40 mb
ide2 IBM 120 mb

Thanks for any suggest
Burn bin/cue with the version of Nero that comes with the retail Yamaha crw-f1. On mine it recognizes my 40x Memorex media as 44x and burns as 44x. (You have to load the cue file and it finds the bin file).
As Pokopiko said, a fine writer! the only downside being the lack of choice when it comes to selecting a burning speed with various CD authoring programs.

I'm told CloneCD is burning at 16x when I've selected 24x.. and with various other speeds too.. haven't seen anyone else complain about this though.. :(


- - No warez, no worries, the board'll find its path - -
Yamaha CRW-F1


thanks for all the replyes.

I did not installed the Nero that came with the burner but I have Nero Software already installed. I did'nt know I can burn cue/bin with Nero.

shuold I updated my nero to or un install and re-install the version that came with the burner ?

I Updated my firmware to 1.0d.

under clonecd I can burn with X32 (all my du=isks are X32 only -
I bought 300 for 35$ on my last visit to the USA - they are NCR Imation and TDK)

With ECDC 5.3.x

under optimize speed i got average speed of X20.

I will try the Nero sofwre later this day and see what it can do.

thanks again