Xvid to VCD

Hi all hope someone can help.

I am trying to convert a downloaded Xvid movie to VCD but i cant seem to extract the audio, G-Spot gives me all the information about the viedo codecs but says the audio stream is unregognised (8192).

Virtualdub gives me this error, the requested audio compression is not compatible with the input format. Check the sampling rate and channel count of the input match those of the requested format.

I have tried The new Nimo Codec pack, still doesnt work, the nimo Codec pack when installed makes the video play green, i have also installed the Xvid codec pack from h**p://roeder.goe.net/~koepi/xvid.shtml, still doesnt work, the movie plays superbly through WMP and through WinDVD.

If i give you a clue as to what this movie is someone may have had this problem and may be able to help.

It`s the DVDscreener of the new British Secret Agent movie, "Not Austin Powers".

Please see Atattched file for errors in G-Spot and V-Dub.:confused:


Sorry guy's did it the pm way as i thought it may be best but as others seem interested here the solution

The audio codec in question is the Tag2000 AC3 codec and to use it without special tools just following the following steps in TMPGenc

Convert DivX with AC3
Install first an AC3 audio decoder, Nimo Codec Pack includes that or/and you could install WinDVD that also includes a AC3 Decoder. You should be able to play the DivX with AC3 or OGG with Windows Media Player.

Launch TMPGenc v2.52 or higher and before opening the video you need to change the priority of the directshow reader, under under Option->Environmental settings->VFAPI plug-in and right click on the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader and increase the priority to 1 or 2. Now open the video and the audio should be automatically be opened. If this do not work try this method.

Improve the audio quality
You can use an external audio encoder because TMPGEncs own audio encoder is not the best. One of the best audio mpeg layer 2 encoders is tooLame, download and extract all files to a folder. In TMPGEnc under Options->Environmental Settings->External tools select Layer 2 and browse for the toolame.exe.

Hope it helps

Flashy, there was no message in my private messages, hope you get back to me with the solution though.

The-poacher, ye it would be good for the solution to be on the message forum for every one to see, hope flashy can reply and sort this out.