XP Corp xxxxx-640-xxxxxxx-xxxxx Keys

I just really wonder how did the person that started this 640 thread find out about 640??? I mean why the hell wouldn't 650 be the number or 645, how do we really know until the SP1 is released and we try it and find out??? Life will go on afterwards too, the thing will be cracked in a week!!!
Because Devils0wn key and a couple of other keys which were leaked before the BlueList keygen had 640 PID's

I honestly have to agree about this nonsense. You say it will be cracked within a week, I'd say within a day!

Why doesn't everyone just wait until SP1 is in late beta at least??? There's no need to panic.

We will have keys which we can use, but there's no point in speculating just now.
Bluelist Keygen!!!

I agree, who REALLY knows anyway??? Bill Gates doesn't even know <LOL> Personally I've generated over 150 keys (with Bluelist keygen) and I've got one (1) xxxxx-640-xxxxxxx-xxxxx) key to show for it!!!