Xbox Sale with New Bundle Offer

The $199 combination puts Xbox on sale with Sega's "Jet Set Radio Future" and "Sega GT 2002," The Xbox originally was released at $299 with no bundled games. That price was cut to $199 in May, and Microsoft has said the current bundle is a $100 savings compared to the retail prices for the individual parts of the package. Nintendo has also just recently started a bundle of its own, packaging the GameCube with its "Super Mario Sunshine" game and an external memory card for $189, $40 more than the GameCube stand-alone price.
over here the dumped the price of the xbox then introduced the sega pack at the old price a cost of some $45 over the cost of a cube, given that most people only buy an xbox to chip it and get "cheaper" games i'm sure that most would have prefered the old bargain bin price of £128.00
We have same deal picking mine up on saturday but along wif Jet Set Radio Future and Sega GT 2002 we get Halo and Xbox DVD package :p