XBOX modify? How to?

I just read in a Norwegian Newspaper that you can modify Xbox so that you can watch DivX movies, vcd, play MP3, old Commodore 64-, Nintendo- and arkadespill via an emulatorer, and all kinds of cool stuff on the Xbox.

The reporter said that there was a guy that has replaced the 8 gb harddrive drive that comes with XBox with a 120 gb and a modchip.

The question is:

Is that all I need .... and what is a modchip? Where can I get one. Is it only to go into a pc store and ask for it?

Is it a site where the modification is described here on the net?

have anybody done this? Is it easy to do? and is it worth it?
ok, not entirely sure i can post this as i dont want to be seen as spamming.

yes you need an excecuter modchip available from or (the latter does international sales and its the easiest chip to fit) then if you need any info at all on what you can do with it pay a visit to their xbox modchip section will be able to answer any questions you may have, for the emulators and other stuff you may need then look back in this section as i've posted a load of emulators for all sorts of systems that can run on an xbox.

i hope that helps and that admin/mods dont think i'm spamming for df just because i'm admin there. if you get there and get stuck, pm me and i'll sort you out (same username)


(who will be missing for a while yet as i'm still on the mend from an illness, not holiday related i'm pleased to say;))