Xbox Games

1st i know Xbox games can not be seen in a pc, so could someone help on how you can do a direct backup of my game bought from a shop, so it would be infact a DVD > DVD or DVD to CDr, etc. I was told that it is possble you you put the bought DVD in the Xbox and mount the Xbox DVD drive on your pc then do an direct copy, i do have my xboxs chipped, but only new at this.

i do have a dvd writer and a cd writer in my pc. Please could someone show some light on this

Thx ppl
sorry, you were mis informed, to back up your own game you need your xbox to be chipped, you need a copy of evolution x dasboard, you need a network cable hooked up between the xbox and your pc, you need an ftp program running on your pc, you need a copy of primodvd and you need a dvd burner. once you have all those things then you need plenty of time to read one of the excellent faq's on how to do everything.

it takes a while, but once you are used to it, its second nature.

xbox is chipped with OpenBox BIosxxx, I have a copy of the evolution x dasboard, i also have a network cable hooked up between the xbox and your pc, Ftp got that to, well using FXP program on my pc. have a copy of primodvd and have a dvd burner on my PC. Well i think thats it, just now need to know how to do it

just log on your xbox . go to drive d: highlight all files & dir`s
then send them to your pc.
once done , run prassi in data mode . drop file in main window
set ouput to udf & burn .
as long as you use decent media it should work. but will not work with cdr..
could some one direct me to a place which will explain how to back dvd xbox games onto dvd ... can i simply copy them and they will paly on a chipped xbox ...many thnkas for any help//