xbox games on clonedvd

hi there

will clonedvd make backups of my genuine abox games and my xbox games on dvd-rs?

I am having trouble seeing the files on the xbox cd when trying to make an image?

any help or tutorials on both will be much appreciated
Original XBox games? Don't think any program can just copy them, you need to rip, etc. first. If it is a copy then that is different, although I still don't think that CloneDVD is capable. Try RecordNow, Alcohol 120%, etc.
burning xbox games

many thanks.

I had a quick go at DVD decrypter and it started copying it to the HD OK(but had to stop, not enought time to finish it) but i'm yet to complete it & burn it. do you think it would be best to burn it from the HD using DVD decrypter or clonedvd? or mayb sumit else?

also what could i use to burn it on the fly?

thks for you help
If you want to backup originals,it is a bit complicated.Look here..

If they are already backed up,and you want to copy those you don't need to do anything special,it is a straight disc copy using most dvdr software.