Xbox and Pc Monitor ??

hi guy just wondering if there it possible to connect a Xbox
to a Standed Pc you have to buy something extra..
um .....any Feed back would be verry gratefull

Thanks....:) :confused:
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ok thanks ABCMan
would you now where i could lay my hands on one i live in Victoria
Australia....not sure where youare if you could help would be cool...

Thanks Again for the Quick Reply......
thanks again ABCMan
iv'e been lookin around (stop being Lazy i surpose)...
and yes thereis quiet a few options out there ...price diffs alot from say $7.99 usd to $349 thanks once again for you input...will just have to do a bit more research before i go and buy one... some say that you only get a brighter picture and not much better graphics but other say with the more expencive one
you get high resolution so i would expect to get better picture..

anyway thanks..:)

still abit and probley allways will be :confused:
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