X-vid Probs


New member
hi all i need help,ive got a few films and there in the form of x-vid avi,and i want 2 convert them 2 dvd, i have tryed every thing ive tryed the tuturials but still no luck,
please if any 1 can help it would be much appericated :D
Welcome. :)
It would help if you explain what you mean by "i have tryed every thing ive tryed the tuturials but still no luck"?
What tuturial?
What programs(version)?
Do you get and error while doing it?
Does it not play back on your PC/ DVD player?
Does your DVD player play Back UPs?
We need some more info so we can help you?
You may want to try looking around the forum for your problem to see if its been fixed or for what info other members gave to fix their problem. :)


New member
sorry m8 lets go,

right im using MainConcept MPEG Encoder,clonedvd2,dvd2vcd,TMPGEnc DVD Author,dvd shrink 3.1,and ive tried a few other progs,
the film plays on my computer no probs,but when i load it into MainConcept MPEG Encoder all i get is no video data found,and i followed the tutorial on dvd2vcd 2 the letter but start is not highlighted,so im a bit lost,
my dvd player plays backups it just the file is 2 big 4 vcd so i thought i would put it on dvd but thats me prob lol.

i think its a x-vid it says x-vid,avi, and mpeg3 audio in properties
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have you tried using dvd2svcd using chickenmans tutorials here


then feeding the resulting file to TMPGEnc DVD Author you should get some sort of result from it :)
What build/version of XviD do you have installed?
Although I think MainConcept decodes via dshow, so ffdsow, DivX, Nero Digital, etc. could all be trying to decode it.
Can you report here what GSPOT reports on Video & Audio for your avi. And as C_D asked, what version of Xvid have you installed? (if any).


New member
thank you very much 4 your help,but as im a noobbbbbbbbbbbb

all i had 2 do was install the new div-x codecs

i never even thought of that i just thought i had them allready as i could watch the film on my computer.
thanks again for your help,
p.s check your codecs lol :D
Nice One <> tnx for the feedback

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Had some problems myself with the DivX decoder decoding XviD. In theory it should work fine, I know it does the other way around, but the DivX decoder seems to have problems with some XviD encodes.