X-Setup Pro 6.5 Final

New version of this great tweaker :D

X-Setup Pro Version 6.5 Final 1
- FIX: Corrected "Description can't hold entire text" scoll-bar missing bug inside Classic UI- thanks to atltimesys.
- FIX: Corrected "PopUp menu missing on NT 4.0" bug inside Wizards - thanks to Neulander.
- FIX: Completed helpfile (-> mc²)
- FIX: Setup has created "TOD Number" registry path instead of a value with the same name
- FIX: Setup has created "Language" registry path instead of a value with the same name
- FIX: Removed empty "lockergnome" folder in X-Setup Pro install folder
- PLUG: Added a lot of plug-ins
- MISC: Changed internal Appname from dcXSP to xqdcXSP
- MISC: Added 6.5 Beta 1 inside "Extra" -> "Version History" (Plug-in History)
- UI: Version History and Search dialogs will now both fit on a 800x600 display. Thanks to Brian Smither for the idea.
- SETUP: Installation version check is now activated by default

X-Setup Pro Version 6.5 Beta 1
- Xteq X-Setup relaunched as Xteq-dotec X-Setup Pro
- new Website http://www.x-setup.net/
- MISC: Removed the Lockergnome.com Tips Index since lockergnome.com now also offers RSS feed which will suit most people much better than a pre-compiled CHM file
- MISC: Included new icon (xset3.ico) for X-Setup from Lim Chee Aun
- Support for Windows Server 2003 inside the Programs section
- OS Version detection has been rewritten to be faster plus also support new OSes (e.g. Longhorn). Any version of Windows, that is not known is now handled as Windows 2003
- GLOBAL: Changed the display of Message Boxes, so the internal Windows version of this command is used which displays localized descriptions on the buttons
- GLOBAL: Changed OK/Cancel and Yes/No Messages Boxes to use the internal Windows version of this command so the buttons will have localized descriptions
- FIX: Used new method for getting the current active XSP application. This will fix the bug that messages sometimes appeared behind the current application.
- ENGINE: Changed shell execute functions to use FormatMessage(), so localized error messages are now displayed instead of the hard coded English messages
- ENGINE: The handling of the internal GetXSPBasePath() (Retrieves the path where XSP is installed) function has been completely rewritten. Instead of 10 different implementations there is now only one which is cached. Since this function is called around 400 times in a normal session, this should speed up XSP a little bit.
- START: dcXSPStart.exe now includes the step "A1" which checks if GetXSPBasePath() is working correctly and results in a directory that is existing.
- MISC: Renamed all files from XQXSetup... (Xteq X-Setup) to dcXSP... (dotec X-Setup Pro)
- MISC: The title of XSP is now read from SYSTEM.CFG (System_AppName1/2). Basically this is not interessting for normal users but if you want to change the title of XSP go and patch system.cfg :)
- MISC: The file list for dcXSPCompReg.exe and dcXSPStart.exe are now retrieved from SYSTEM.CFG
- SYS: Changed global windows message from WM_XQ_XSET_xxx to WM_DC_XSP_xxx
- MISC: Moved Default font names and default editor (Reset Configuration) to SYSTEM.CFG. If your installation of XSP is used by many users, you can change System.CFG so everybody is using the same font, given that he/she has not changed it using dcXSPConfig.exe
- INFO: Moved tips.cfg from \cfg to dcXSPInfo.exe (resource strings) for better localization
- INFO: Redisgned Tip Of The Day window so we do no longer have blue hyperlinks on blue background (this makes perfect sense :)
- UI: Created more Categories inside the Configuration Dialog for easier access
- UI: Changed the Tab Control inside the XSP Configuration to a left-handed Treeview. This should allow a better and faster selection of the category you wish to change.
- MISC: CHKFAIL.TXT now uses the /go/ redirector service of x-setup.net to avoid broken links. Since the download URLs from microsoft.com change often, they are now all saved on x-setup.net so we can check them regularly.
- MISC: CHKFAIL.TXT can now be localized using the format CHKFAIL-<LANGUAGE>.txt. If the localized version can not be found, it will default to CHKFAIL-EN.txt
- MISC: README.txt can now be localized using the format README-<LANGUAGE>.txt. If the localized version can not be found, it will default to README-EN.txt
- MISC: LICENSE.txt can now be localized using the format LICENSE-<LANGUAGE>.txt. If the localized version can not be found, it will default to LICENSE-EN.txt
- UI: The Favorites -> Manage... link inside the UI now takes you directly to the "Favorites" section of config.exe
- UI: The Programs -> Manage... link inside the UI now takes you directly to the "Programs" section of config.exe
- UI: Added "Simple Tree view navigation" to imitate the Windows Explorer behaviour of automatically closing folders on the same level inside a tree view
- UI: Changed plug-in display area to allow more text on controls
- UI: Redesigned description area inside UI.exe
- EXEC: Redesigned entire start screen for the new XSP design
- WIZ: Wizards will now ONLY do an auto-apply if there were changes inside the plug-in. It looks like that a auto-apply (regardless if something has happened or not) lead to more problems than it solved.
- WIZ: Changed the picture inside the Wizards application
- WIZ: dcXSPWizards now have a system close button in the upper right corner
- UPD: Renamed "X-Update for X-Setup" to "X-Setup Pro Automatic Updates"
- UPD: Moved Options for Automatic Updates to main Config Screen, xupdate.ini has been trashed
- UPD: Main download sites are now read from system.cfg and no longer hard-coded
- FIX: Extended change detection inside the XSP control so scrolling inside an edit control does no longer cause a change event (important for Wizards)
- UI: Redesigned About window
- ENGINE: The filenames of the cache files are now retrieved from system.cfg
- FIX: The cache files XSP uses are now deleted from %TEMP% on uninstall
- SETUP: Added simple update check so people can directly check if XSP is updated or not
- SETUP: Added an "Info" button for debug and advanced information about the setup file
- UPD: Patched HTTPGet component so HTTP Status codes are now working and returned
- UPD: Now all downloads are checked for HTTP Status 200/OK or the download is declared erroneous
- UPD: Auto Updates now checks if a downloaded ZIP file is also used for a different plugin/wizard and reuses the downloaded ZIP file. Thanks to Eswar Santhosh [mailto:eswar_santhosh@mailandnews.com] for the idea!
- UPD: Changed a lot of log text entries so it is easy to understand what XSPAuUp does
- UPD: The "Start Update" command is no longer enabled if either the update list is empty or if no selection has been made
- UPD: Implemented a basic view which hides all details from the user and perform the update with only one button click
- FIX: Clicking the "Reset Configuration" button inside Config did not close the config application
- FIX: Clicking the "Reset Configuration" did not cause XSP to reload the configuration
- ENGINE: XSP is now able to read and write registry values that include the "\" inside the value name. The only thing that needs to be done is to replace the "\" inside the value name to "\\". Please note that it is not possible to have registry paths with "\" inside the name (try regedit.exe if you do not believe us :). Many thanks to Slava [jobvonzuhause@everyday.com] for the idea!
- SETUP: Added an option to create a shortcut link for the quick launch bar
- SETUP: Redesigned the COM Registration process which takes places during setup. Now the program dcXSPCompReg.exe does the COM registration instead of the setup program itself. This will hopefully set an end to the KERNEL32 errors that sometimes appeared on Win 9x computers during setup.
- UI: Redesigned all icons in UI with 256 colors
- UI: Added system colors checker. If XSP detects a system with not more than 8 bpp, it will disable all icons and instead display only the text on the toolbar and inside the menu
- UI: Replaced TMainmenu and TToolbar with Toolbar2000 from jrsoftware.org since we had to much problems on Win95/98 machines with the original components
- UPD: Changed format of updates files located on the server to a XML format.
- UPD: User can now specify up to two additional sites where Auto Update should search for updates
- ENGINE: External Programs can now also be localized by using the lang\trans-tools.<LANGUAGE> file
- UPD: A browser redirect command (xsp:redirect) can be specfied inside the XML file (1st Upd Site from system.cfg only), that opens directly a browser window when found. This will mainly be used for "this application is out-of-date" messages.
- UPD: The newest version of XSP (xsp:appver) is now specified in a XML file that is automatically download. When a new version is available, the user will be informed.
- MISC: Renamed "Default UI" to X-Setup Pro Classic
- MISC: Renamed "Configuration" to "Options" (dcXSPConfig.exe)
- UPD: The list of remote items does now include an "Date" field which defines when this item was added to the list. Thanks to Stephen Cockle [mailto:scockle@eol.ca] for the idea.
- UPD: The list can now be sorted by simply clicking on the header of the list in advanced view
- START: Readme, License and help file will no longer cause start.exe to close

