X-Box Backup (What is needed to play backups?)


New member
Hi everyone,
I am wondering what is needed to play backups on an XBox. I'm not concerned with backing up my games, as my best friend said he would do it for me. I just want to know what the bare essentials are to play them. Can they be played without connecting the XBox to a computer? Do I only need a chip to play them? I checked the tutorials, and everything I saw discussed backing up games using Evolution X. Is Evolution X needed along side of a mod chip to play backups? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.




First of you need a modchip to play xbox backups. Executor Lite is good for playing backups and just kinda messing around. Executor Pro is if you like messing around with the Bios and really know what you're doing. So a good choice would be executor Lite. To play backups you just need to make copies and you'll be able to play them. that's as easy as it gets.

Now if you want to get into even more detail then that's where Evolution X comes. Also known as Evox. With evox you can even have your own operating system (OS). Xbox comes with a standard 8 gig hard drive. You'll need to change the Hard drive to something from 80gigs to 120gigs. Once you've installed the HD. then just connect the xbox to your computer and run evox and install it. Once installed you can copy the games right onto the Xbox HD and play them from there. With a 120 gig HD you can get somewhere from 40+ games, depending on what games. You can also download emulators onto your xbox and play them. It's really cool what you can do.


New member
Wow! I had no idea you could actually change out the HDD in the XBox to accomodate more games. That's amazing. I was reading on one of the tut's that you could pretty much render your XBox useless using Evox if you don't know what you're doing. It had something to do with playing games online. Is this true? I currently own a PS2 and I'm thinking about buying an XBox. I just want to know what I'm getting into should I decide to mod it. Also, I want to thank you for your last posting. It really cleared things up for me a lot (I honestly thought that Evolution X and Evox were two different things. I was getting so confused reading the tutorials!) Thanks again!



Your welcome. It's true though what you've heard about evox. If you're not carefull you can really screw your xbox over. there are very helpful Tutorials that I can give you that won't. Before you start buying an xbox just get familiar with it by going to this site and checking out the tutorials.

www.xbox-scene.com then go to the tutorials section. It'll teach you everything about the xbox.


New member
Still confused.......

I was reading thread but I am still confused. I realize that you need a chip to back-up an xbox game, but am I correct in reading that you also need one to play a back-up version of a game as well? In other words, if I take a back-up game and put it in an xbox without a mod chip, nothing will happen.


Exactly, you need a modchip. If you want to play a backup then you need a modchip or else it won't work. You'll need to modify your console in one way or another.


New member
Thanks. One more question. What is the simplest mod I can make. I read where some you don't have to solder. That would be great. In other words....SUPER EASY. I also don't want to have a bunch of options on the screen. Would rather have something that behaves as an xbox without a chip except that plays back-ups. My kids are breaking CD's like there is no tomorrow.


A installation job is much easier on an xbox rather than PS2. Ps2 you have to practically take the whole thing off to get to the mainboard, in xbox just remove the Harddisk and DVD Rom drive.

About the no-solder modchips I'm not sure what happened but there was a chip called the Matrix, don't know if it's still there. Havent really been following up on the xbox scenario's


You can try but I'm not too sure I've seen much of xbox around here. It's worth a shot, this is a popular site new users register everyday so you never know.