I use xp ( pppoe internet ) and i have a wan wireless conexion. I need the best software ( raspppoe for example ??) for manage this conexion. I don´t like win xp for this.
i'm using this PPPoE driver: http://www.cfos.de/index_e.htm
in my opinion the "Traffic Shaping" feature is very effective for internet browsing while P2P software (like EDonkey, eMule, Overnet, Kazaa) is running in background;
i like cfos...........but i haven´t any modem, i only have an antenna, and a wireless network adapter, fom my pppoe internet conexion.
can you tell me the best software for manage my wireless wan conexion??
Best regards.
sorry but i never setted up an wireless connection, so i don't know if you really can use cFos;
but if you tried raspppoe and it can do the job, then should be cFos able to it too;
better you wait till an "wireless network expert" answers;
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