WinXP Quick Launch Sort order

Hello folks,
Somehow my "Quick Lauch" bar (next to the START button) REMEMBERED its position and sort order so well???

I used to set it to display whatever many ICONS and in whatever SORT ORDER I wanted it to display without any trouble.

Now it suddenly LOCKED it in certain way and I can not change the length of its bar in the sort order I want. Let make it a little more clear so you folks can understand my problem then your help would be more effect:

I am able to "unlock" the Taskbar and adjusted the "Quick Launch" lenght and am also able to arrange the Icons program in the order I chose, after it displayed the way I wanted, I "Locked the Taskbar" again and reboot the machine.

My "Quich Lauch" goes back to the way it was before I were unlocked, re-arranged and ect...

What cause that and how to fix it?
I am sure you can help and please do so. Thank you!