WinMX and the non-sharers involved

I have been desperately trying to download certain mp3's of bootleg albums of one of my fave groups. And since the demise of Audiogalaxy (yes it is technically still running, but words like shite or crap doesnt do it justice) I have to use Kazaa or WinMX.
WinMX shhould be great but has a major problem of relying on the decency of the people using the prog. And as so many of the bastards want to d/l OFF people but dont want to reciprocate, it is infuriating in the extreme. One arsehole in paticular keeps coming on, (he is one of perhaps 3 or 4 people with the album I need) and I'll connect and he will cut me off IMMEDIATELY. Now obviously I will return the favour if ever I get the chance but its not the point. I can understand if say you have a queue and some prat has about 30 downloads going at the same time and the upload speed is say 0.50 kps, all thats doing is buggering up people who are only after 1 track or album. I myself cut those if they are less than 1.0. But cutting people before they even connect is another matter. There should be a case of if you dont share you're banned. Of course you have to start somewhere and putting a minimum of uploads after a certain time would sort out the selfish types. (Thats one problem I would never have ! I seem to upload 10 times - more probably - than I download)

Another irritation is wrongly labelled mp3's. I downloaded what I thought was Led Zeppelin album, and it turned out to be BB King. I quite like BB King, but I wouldn't have downloaded it. So I renamed it, and do you know what ? Its been easily the most uploaded thing from my comp ! :rolleyes:

Couldn't agree more with you, I am uploadin all the time, nothin worse than waiting in a queue only to be cut off when your turn comes.
Phil K said:
I have been desperately trying to download certain mp3's of bootleg albums of one of my fave groups. And since the demise of Audiogalaxy (yes it is technically still running, but words like shite or crap doesnt do it justice) I have to use Kazaa or WinMX.
WinMX shhould be great but has a major problem of relying on the decency of the people using the prog. And as so many of the bastards want to d/l OFF people but dont want to reciprocate, it is infuriating in the extreme. One arsehole in paticular keeps coming on, (he is one of perhaps 3 or 4 people with the album I need) and I'll connect and he will cut me off IMMEDIATELY. Now obviously I will return the favour if ever I get the chance but its not the point. I can understand if say you have a queue and some prat has about 30 downloads going at the same time and the upload speed is say 0.50 kps, all thats doing is buggering up people who are only after 1 track or album. I myself cut those if they are less than 1.0. But cutting people before they even connect is another matter. There should be a case of if you dont share you're banned. Of course you have to start somewhere and putting a minimum of uploads after a certain time would sort out the selfish types. (Thats one problem I would never have ! I seem to upload 10 times - more probably - than I download)

Another irritation is wrongly labelled mp3's. I downloaded what I thought was Led Zeppelin album, and it turned out to be BB King. I quite like BB King, but I wouldn't have downloaded it. So I renamed it, and do you know what ? Its been easily the most uploaded thing from my comp ! :rolleyes:
Phil K, which group ?
Re: Re: WinMX and the non-sharers involved

spottydog said:
Phil K, which group ?
A few actually. But the album I am after in paticular, (and I have tried to BUY the bloody thing with no joy - thats why I am trying to download it) is "Eyewitness" Van der graaf generator stuff done by other bands and solo artists.

>>I take it yer peeved then phil !?, stick to the ngroups instead !! much faster and reliable <<
Certainly am peeved. If I could ascertain which newsgroups had what I was after I'd be off there like a shot ! :)
Newsgroups are definately the way to go for most things but when you want a specific item P2P can come in handy.

You might want to try using Direct Connect. Eventhough it can also be a pain in the rear at times at least the hubs are moderated and providing you are sharing some files yourself you can usually find what you are looking for.

Also if you use Newsbin Pro to download from the newsgroups you can throttle it's connection to leave enough bandwidth for Direct Connect to download at it's max allowable speed without Newsbin slowing the P2P connection on DC. This is a nice way to maximise your available bandwidth whilst downloading.
Been at work, Viper mate - run off me sodding feet ! (metaphorically speaking of course !) - will tune in some time today brother ! :D