Winme problems

I have a strange problem with my computer with WinME
Iam using system restore tool 1 year ago and it working good but form a month it don't work..when I try to restore my computer back when the system restore progress bar becomes at the middle the computer restarts and the restore fails!!
I don't know what is the problem..I formated my hard drive and reinstalled the windows again but the same problem exist :(
please any help with me


There is a freeware util around that allows you to safely uninstall the system restore, never worked for me either! :D

Not tried it yet with XP, anybody have success with that?
might take a look at this patch
it worked for me

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everyone is right. By removing or shutting down the system restore in any system that offers it, your system will actually speed up a little (cause takes up less resources). There are better freeware utils around & that patch will fix it a little (but still far too many bugs in winME).
Your best choice is to either switch to win2K or winXP.
winXP system restore works great! Used to run system without it, but the extra security comfort of it restoring system is well worth keeping it on =)
well known fact that winME was the worst of the bunch. Better off going back to win98SE if you don't have win2K or XP available.


Re: ME

joripe said:
Shadoe I Know Its The Worst Everyone Tells Me So But It Works For Me I Have Only Ever Had Minor Problems With It That I Am Sure I Would Have Got With The Other Ones:)
(I Have Been Using ME Since It Came Out)
Agree 100% with joripe on that. ;)

I only started using Me last September when I fitted a new HDD and have had very few problems at all. As Poko says, ditch all the cr@ppy gimmicks like system restore etc and it runs great. I do around 2-300 CDR's on it a week and need an O/S I can depend on 100% and Me delivers fine for me. Put it this way I hardly ever get the old blue screen of death that I do on my 98 SE systems!:mad:

I like XP though too and once SP1 has been released and all the glitches sorted out I'm sure I will change over, but why change O/S if you get zero problems with it anyway? :D
Re: Re: ME

Laz said:

Agree 100% with joripe on that. ;)

I only started using Me last September when I fitted a new HDD and have had very few problems at all. As Poko says, ditch all the cr@ppy gimmicks like system restore etc and it runs great. I do around 2-300 CDR's on it a week and need an O/S I can depend on 100% and Me delivers fine for me. Put it this way I hardly ever get the old blue screen of death that I do on my 98 SE systems!:mad:

I like XP though too and once SP1 has been released and all the glitches sorted out I'm sure I will change over, but why change O/S if you get zero problems with it anyway? :D
Self taught Windows (Me) user.
I don't see any need to RESTORE the system (have emergency boot disks:OR reinstall!) so disabling it should improve shutdown and boot up and my Virtual CD problems w/bootup (maybe)?
I assume a fresh boot every time will then boot as all is LOADED?
This is the one area I cannot figure why I need it.