windows xp

I have two problems

- I have my cd-rw with a letter X and my DVD with a letter Y, now its changed my cd-rw to a letter I and my DVD is the same with a letter Y, I want to come back my cd-rw to a letter Y, but i do not know how????

I have installed a Norton Personal firewall its works fine now i try to run live update and norton personal firewall is gone from the list of programs installed, how I can include in the list of LIVE UPDATE????

Thaks for your help
go to "control panel", "administrative tools", "computer management". from there go to "disk management". from there in the lower right hand corner, right click on the drive you wabt to change and select "change drive letter and path". then select whatever drive letter you want. you can change any drive letter from here to ehatever you want as long as the letter is not already being used.
pvelarde1 said:
I have two problems
I have installed a Norton Personal firewall its works fine now i try to run live update and norton personal firewall is gone from the list of programs installed, how I can include in the list of LIVE UPDATE????
generate a new shortcut based of this path:
"C:\Program Files\Symantec\LiveUpdate\LUALL.EXE update"
flemming said:
Rightclick the program and then choose send to desktop
yes that's it;
or an other way: right click on the Desktop > New > Shortcut > Search > go to the path of "LUALL.EXE" > select them > OK
I run LLUALL.EXE and only appears
-Live Update
-Norton Antivirus
-Norton Antivirus definitions
-Norton Security Response Submission Software Update

is missing
- NOrton Personal Firewall
-Norton System Works and others that I have before
pvelarde1 said:
is missing
- NOrton Personal Firewall
-Norton System Works and others that I have before
Missing in the "Symantec product list" which are checked for updates or do you mean the list for which products you only got updates?
not for many products are weekly updates available;

Maybe you have a bad copied CD?
before I reinstall win XP pro I have a list of programs to update when I run LiveUpdate, after that only some of them appear to update, this is may problem for example Norton Personal Firewall do not appear to update and I do no know how to update
you are right mate, this list should contain all symantec products;
you can only update products via LiveUpdate, which in this list appears;

i think your Norton installation failed nearly completely;
my last idea: uninstall all Symantec products and then reinstall them (maybe in an other sequencing);

if it doesn't work and you have bought it --> contact support;
didn't you bogtht it --> try to get a new/better copy;
