Windows protection error


New member
Everytime I try to use Instantcopy I get a blue screen with windows protection error halfway thru the video check and I have to reset my system.

I am using Dvddecryptor to copy an entire DVD to my hard drive then using ifoedit.

All the settings on instantcopy are automatic. Somehow I need to get it to ignore read errors.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Welcome Squeezeme ..
Since your new here please supply as much info so we can at least point you in the right direction...
(Program version, OS. Hardware used etc..) :)


New member
Sorry about that. Hello everybody!

I am using Windows ME, I have a 800 processor and about 256 RAM.

I am using instantcopy.

Apart from the windows protection error/blue screen of death problem, I am now getting a message saying:

multicopy has now caused an error in VOBTRANS.AX multicopy will now close.

I am about to rebuild my hard drive as this is driving me nuts!
1 thing I might suggest is more memory as video converting is very intensive on both the processor and is also a memory hog. You may not have enough processor (by many reports you should use at least a 1ghz cpu) to be able to handle the load and you ought to have at least 512mb of memory. Hope this doesnt burst your bubble.


New member
Thanks for that. I had a look and I have a 1200 processor but only 256RAM. I just put in a 512 + a 128 chip. I will let you know how I go.