Window Washer 4.8


Many people do not realize that everything you do on your computer can be traced -- documents you’ve used, pictures you’ve viewed, web sites you’ve visited, and more. Not only is this an invasion of privacy, but these unnecessary files eat up valuable hard drive space and hog computer resources.

You can take back your privacy and improve your system’s performance by regular cleaning of your browser’s cache, cookies, history, recent documents list, and more with Webroot Window Washer. Window Washer runs in the background whenever you schedule it for timely and convenient cleaning

New in release 4.8

Extended cleaning for the latest releases of AOL, Internet Explorer and MSN.
Broader cleaning power for Windows XP and Windows Media Player.
Added bleaching power for file slack space.
The option to automatically run a wash every time you close your browser.
A new interface makes it easier to use than ever before.
Support for many non-English language Windows systems.
