winamp conversion

Does anyone know how to convert files to wav using the new version of winamp because i cannot find how to do it anywhere. I tried options - preferences, but there is nothing. Help needed please!!!
Hi bluey43

I think it's the same 4 version 3 as it is 4 version 2

Just open the prefrences(Ctrl+p)select the output plugins\Nullsoft Disk Writer, then click configure & specify a folder to store them & the next time U play a mp3, a wav copy will be in the folder u specified

But remember 2 switch it off when not using it or U will end up with lot's of wav's

Hope It Helps:)

@bluey43... I had the same problem with winamp3 but after a lot of searching on their site I found the disk writer component. Go here to download it: - install it and then load files into the playlist - right click on your chosen song, locate the Convert Menu, it will give you the option: Convert to PCM WAV and underneath: Settings where you can specify your output directory.
Problems with encoding/decoding Wa3

My opinion is that Winamp in the earlier versions ( from 2.5 - 10.4) did the coding job much easier and without all the struggle you have with downloading lots of new plug-ins.

For real audio..Stick with real staff....LIke eac,razorlame,speek.....Winamp2 is the best multimedia player...EVER......But for what you need(wav to compressed formats)look for real audio stuff!!!