Win98/WinXP Duel Boot Problem

Had Win98 installed on C:\, added another hard drive and installed winxp in the first partition of the new hard drive or partition L:.

Booted into winxp and all was welll.

Later booted into win98 and several things were out of kilter i.e., the Display would only work with resolution 640x?. So without thinking a lot about it, I copied my Ghost image of C: back to C:\.
This of course overlayed the pertinent data placed in C by winxp. Then I could not reboot to win98 because the bootsec.dos file was gone and the boot.ini file was wrong. I corrected the boot.ini (added windows 98 back).

This happened several days ago and as I recall, I formatted L: and reinstalled winxp. It restored the and ntldr files to C: but not the bootsec.dos, so I still could not boot into win98.

I read on h**p:// that he had a file called He said it it would cause the debug.exe to generate the bootsect.dos. The debug.exe was to be included on the win98 boot disk along with his files. Unzipped the had bootsect.bat and readsect.scr.

I followed the instructions and it did generate a bootsect.dos file but win98 still would not boot.

So I am back to square one. Do you think my best option is to reinstall winxp with the Repair function as shown on w*w.webtree.caor is there an easier way to accomplish this.

Your input will be appreciated.


Thanks Poko for the plan for duel booting. It sounds good but do not think I am up to such an elaborate plan at this time. I copied it for future use.

The thing I like best about my current set up is the fact that I have both drives with FAT32 and am able to see all of the partitions on win98 and winxp. I can take the files I want from 98 and install them on xp. May be wrong but believe I would be limited to one C: drive at a time.

So, I thank you but will try and repair the set up I have now.

xp/98 dual boot

just d/l partition magic 7, install it on yer 98 and use the wizard to set up a hidden partition 4 yer xp. boot in and out with boot magic. dead easy and works a treat.

Thanks mutznut, but would I not have the same type set up recommended by Poko?

I now have 3 partitions set up on the second hard drive that are in use for xp only. Does this mean I could place xp on the first partition of the second hard drive after it is hidden by Part Magic? And it would also be my C: partition? Could I move files from the remaining 2 partitions for xp while I am booted to win98 and vice versa.

I want to be able to use some of the backup files I have on the win98 hard drive in winxp. In other words, have one backup file for both OSs.

Could you give me more details or direct me to some site to read about this?


woe is what you call it


Although this is beside the topic, it's helpful to label the partition in case there switching of drive letters, no confusion. As for bootloader, XOSL is a great freeware program. I got triple boot using the same method prescribed by pokopiko.

You can install the OS using XOSL w/ both hdd physically attached to mobo by hiding all others nongermaine partition and create a boot from FDD.

I took the easy way out and repaired/reinstalled winxp. It generated the file I required in C: and works great now. I will leave it alone for now.

Thanks anyhow,

I may be wrong but guess it is a matter of your "BOOT.INI" file which is normally located on your first active partition (usually "C") but is a hidden system file that determines where your XP OS is located. If you use Windows Commander, check to make sure, in the options, that you can see all files, even hidden system files, and you will probably see that file on the root of your "C" drive.
