win xp pro

I see links to this fairly regularly and wonder why i can never seem to find one that works?
Wonder if its because its such a large program or something else im missing?
Im sorta new to most of this and wonder if there is something
different i should try to find a working link. I have dsl here which is somewhat better than dial-up but nowhere near the speed of cable obviously.
Is it possible most of the links that have these large programs simply have a "minimum" download speed that if they see you dont have , you just cant get it going at all.

Anybody that could render help on this subject would be great!!

Cable would be great here , buts not now nor ever will be an option in this area.
Just too strung out in the sticks i guess

DSL can be faster than Cable. All depends on the package your ISP is dishing out.
Overall DSL offers slower peak connection speeds than Cable, but DSL has lower latency than Cable. Cables top peak speed (in theory) is 27Mbps down & 10Mbps up, however recently (over a year ago)they have tested near virginia & calif berkley 60Mbps with DSL lines (these would not be offered for another 5-10 years-- what they said back then), but now they are testing Internet 2 which would allow you to download a full 600MB movie in a matter of seconds. Europe seems to be the ones pushing for this (though we know the US will have it first). They say the costs of Internet 2 isn't much more than what it is now (who knows what that means - lol).

For your case, it isn't 'cause your speed is too slow, it's just 'cause the links become dead or just time-out on you. These are common occurences with warez sites. I would suggest you try going to this site:
h``p:// & run a few tests for your connection & see how it can be tweaked for less timeouts & such.
Good luck
yes joecool mentioned what I completely forgot lol.
I got my copy off Xolox (when it was still running), but certainly most peer2peer clients will give you what you are looking for.
For better info have a look at:
Sucess !!!

Friends and net neighbors

Thanks ,
I knew bout peer to peer but i had a dismal failure using morpheus.
rethinking this after your kind replies in here i downloaded kazaa lite and got 504 megs of the program i sought in an hour and forty five minutes
Which brings me to my point......
Just because one doesnt work well doesnt mean another wont

Kazaa allows you to limit downloads and other bandwidth draining features found in morpheus.

Quite simply put it does one thing which is allow you to share files .

So , great advice is the kind that works, this forum rocks and so do its people.

You know the best thing is nobody seems to be a know-it-all
or looks down there nose at those of us who simply dont know

IMHO that is the single best feature of this collection of people from all over the world

I just wish i was up to speed a little better now so as to help more stead of questions all the time but,,,,,,,,,,

who knows , maybe i'll pull one outta my hat one of these days

Thanks to all those who MAKE THIS JOINT ROCK!!!!!!!

orbitall :D
That is great. Sometimes you have to use more than one p2p client for you different needs, and there are some people on here who do think they are better than others & others who are know-it-all (like me lol), but doesn't mean we can't all get along or learn from each other.
Am sure you will have some useful insight you can pull out of your hat one day =).
Take care.