win xp and adsl line

i have win xp and a adsl installed.when i am downloading from the internet my downloads speed starts at 90kb and then goes down to 30kb can anybody please explain this as i am not happy i was expecting around 100kb steadily
Could be the server your downloading from is just busy.
Is it every time u download from any site?

you're uk based right ? which isp ? what copnnection speed?

your browser may say that the initial data burst recieved was 90K, but as you continue to download and time elaspes that figure will average out and generally will decrease, as it calculates Kb/sec. It also depends on the contention rate, your ISP gives you, generally its 50:1

If you're on Pipex Extreme, since they installed the new pipe, download speeds *can* reach upto 70-80K, not necessary all the time.

BTW XP can be tweaked to improve internet connection speeds. But if you do that remember to backup registry often - cos it can also screw up your internet connection speeds pretty badly too.