Wierd audio problem. Protection??

I just bought a CD a few days ago, so I go to rip it and my burner acts wierd. The light in front starts flashing. First impression is that some sort of copy protection, but I go to explore the drive and it is blank. I have encountered protections with games but never audio cds! I try it in Clony and it says nothing is in the drive! I can listen to it on my cd player but when I tested it in someone else's PC it did the same. I am guessing it IS some kind of protection just can't figure out what's going on. If it would have at least recognized the audio data on the CD I would not be here, but since it is acting wierd I'm kinda clueless! Any help would be great thanks :)

PlexWriter 12/10/32A
yes, this is an audio protection based on a faked TOC (Table Of Content); your hardware isn't able to read the TOC and the drive fails, so the drive LED flashes nervously;

you need a compatible reading device, don't know if your Plex is the right one;
take a look at this thread: http://www.cdrbase.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29641
or start a search about protectet AudioCDs here in our forum;

Greetings from
most plextors can read protected audio use the plextors own PLEXTOOLS to read the disk or use read with clone cd and use the profiles found on this forum for protected audio search using the search button for "clone cd profiles" no quotes :)
I guess I'm a bit confused...I can't do much in EAC beacuse it wont recognize anything in the drive! When I tried CloneCD I selected READ TO IMAGE FILE and the appropriate drive it just did the same thing. Please correct me here if I'm missing something a bit too obvious
Do you have the traditional "Compact Disc Digital Audio" stamp put on your CD? If you do then it is NOT protected. If it is then it is even better for you, because you can sue them for scamming.
Protected CD's should NOT have this logo on.
Finally the Plexwriter 12/10/32A can read all audio copyprotections, but you will need the latest firmware (1.10) and DISABLING auto insert notification before reading the CD! You may also try to hold down the shift key when you close the Cd drawer, but it's better to disable AIN- else your CD will be busy before the software being able to lock the drive.
You can use any 1:1 copier, but still if you want to get rid of the protection use Plextools, EAC, Feurio or CD-DA Extractor.
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scarecrow said:
Finally the Plexwriter 12/10/32A can read all audio copyprotections
I know the drive can handle CDS 200,K2A and SafeAudio,but are you shure about DOC.lock?

@Wayfaerer:check the surface of your cd to see if there are any weird rings on it......

CDS 200 has 1 approx 2 cm from the outside,DOC.lock has 2 small dark ones,1 starting from approx 0.5 cm from the inside and 1 approx 0.5 cm from the outside
Key2Audio has a kind of barcode pressed in the inside..
Never had a doc.loc disk handy, but according to CDFreaks doc.loc is no problemo for all Plexes starting from 4/2/20...
A friend of mine which now has my old 12/10/32S burner has been able to cop... ehmmm... backup all audioprotections with it- and the IDE model does have some differences, but it should also do the trick.
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Great! Thanks a bunch for all your help guys. The firmware upgrade is just what it needed!!! Its been recognized and now in the process of ripping it! Thanks again! :D