WHICH SOFTWARE is best....for safe encryption of files and e-mail?

can anyone recomend a good encryption program for encrypting files e-mails etc..etc,now that the new law has been passed here in the uk,nothing is private anymore:mad:
you not heard dude?

as from the 11th august 2002 all e-mails can be accessed with out your consent,no more privacy now dude...if the police or any of the british authorities want to look at anyones mail or sms text messages they can just get them from the relevent service proivider and do what they want with them,you are not asked cos you no longer have any rights in that area,also if the police or similar authorities arrest you on any charge and you have a pc at home they can come and take it away to inspect it for any illegal activities you are upto,and then do you for those offences aswell...this is a good thing cos now they can catch sick beasts praying on kids and what have you...but sad for all us normal joe public types just trying to get along in life...:mad:
its no joke dude...:-(

i came across it over at--> h**p//www.cdfreaks.com about 5 or 6 weeks ago,that is a great site for all the latest news and gossip around the pc community...got it as my home page so i get to know about new releases of programs and new shit happening in the computer industry as soon as it goes public...yes it does sound frightening but i guarantee you it is for real..do some checking around you will come across the info dude...LATERZ.;)
this could be what he is talking about:

other info on such here:
if you truly want to beat them with encryptions, you have to go with one foreign that they don't come across often at all (like some russian encryptions *as they are based entirely on different types of coding), but don't think that most encryptions can't be cracked by CIA/NSA or INTERPOL and other foreign agencies. The ones they have trouble with most are russian and other such types (except for those disclosed by their spies ofcourse lol).

Just learn to be careful and choose your words carefully lol.

PGPI is a good encryption app and it's free - look here: :)


Be warned tho...

As of Version 6.x, PGP was forced by the U.S Governement to include a "back door" to allow officals check the contents of encrypted files so they didn't need to try to crack the algorithm anymore in a bid to stop terrorists etc exchanging data.

The most secure version of PGP was 5.0 as this didn't contain any method to allow officials to check data and each file still had to be cracked - which obviously takes time.

not xp tho.....

it dont work with xp tho dude...and its to well known that it has to have had its algorythams broken by now,....oh f..k it royal mail here i come...LOL.:rolleyes:
"6144bit Encryption Software
- Military security for your email and file encryption -

Make up a 32 character symmetric key
Enter the text you wish to encode
Attach secure ShyFile to your email
Recipient simply uses a browser to decode

That's it. No fuss.
No Trusted 3rd Party. No Public Key.
Keep your current email settings."



Staff member
PGP is/was the best :)
The problem is, as poko mentioned, it doesn´t work with Win XP, since NAI doesn´t develope it further, and the father of PGP (Phil Zimmerman) doesn´t have money to buy it back ..
Yeah, for now a dead duck :(

But I ran into the same problem as you :d
So, there is a freeware out there, named gnupg, a command line PGP ..
For this program you can get a Outlook (Express) plugin !

There are good docs for the gnupg and for the plugin as well !
you should get it running, just read the docs ..
Hope this helps :)
N.B. mentions some good software which I use as well. If you visit here: _http://www.gnupp.com/software.html there is an installer with the GPG binary and a couple of GUIS which, while not as elaborate as PGP's gui, makes it very easy to setup.
I use Pgp Desktop Security 7.11 with XP and it works perfect. During install it will inform that it hasn´t been tested with XP and thats all.
Get it here: ftp.zedz.net
Directory: /pub/crypto/incoming/

I'm using 7.0.4 version of pgp it works a treat but when you install you need to do a custom and I think its the VPN disk or something like that which I had to not install to get it working properly.

pokopiko said:
7.11 does NOT work on my XP box... in fact fails to initialize right from the start.
Strange. Have you tried to use the XP compatibility feature and select win2k or win98. Demonstrably it sometimes works on XP, I have two more XP systems with Pgp Desktop Security 7.11 installed. I have checked all features to make sure all works as it should because I had problems with the prior version..7.1. Pgp Disk in this version didn´t work..it hang on format during creation of new Pgp disk. But all other features was OK.

I use winsafe (hxxp://www.pbnsoft.com/winsafe/) It has no back doors (escrow key) also I used to use encrypt easy(hxxp://www.baltsoft.com/p_ee.htm) It only works on win 95/98 not XP. Both have excellent encryption options and no escrow keys.
pokopiko said:
None PGP desktop version (from pgpi or nai) will work properly under XP... but you can still use it for mail encryuption without problems. Still I would prefer using something else, despite mr Phil Zimmermans (PGP encryption father) that, at least up to version 7.0.3, both the NAI and the free versions are backdoor free.
Is the existence of this back-door confirmed or is it a rumor. To my knowledge it´s for the US government and their agencies, CIA, FBI etc. this was made. Well so far I´m not at all surprised. IMO the US government is spying on their people in the same way as the old Communist leaders. Even more because of the modern technology used today.

In the past export of Pgp was not allowed outside US and Canada but this has changed.
A back-door like this has to be against the law in many of the countries in the the European Union, at least I know it is in my country.
If this is for real then Pgp will die out of itself because it´s regular customers, companies etc. can´t be stupid enough to secure their secrets with a protection like this. Lock a safe and give an extra key to a foreign spy organization!!

Finally it´s hard to see the meaning of a back door like this when old common Pgp versions aren´t affected. And when there are many other encryption apps to use if needed. A person, not absolutely brain death, who need full security when hiding mail etc . don´t use this latest version. Truth or not this rumor exclude all future versions to be used by terrorists and other criminals.

This is an excerpt from Philip Zimmermann´s site about this matter.
""No one made any deals with the government. There is no conspiracy here. There are still no back doors in PGP. We still publish the PGP source code for peer review, because we want people to help us find the bugs. Most other software companies don't do that. Their software is as big and complex as ours, so they probably have as many (if not more) bugs, but you don't hear about them as much because the source code is not published for peer review.

PGP started out as a human rights project, and today is used by every human rights organization in the world. Our engineers stay with the PGP team because they feel that they are working on something important for the world. It's a thankless job for most of them, especially with all this criticism from conspiracy theorists who imagine we've sold out to the government. Why do people have to assume the worst motives? If NAI tried to put a back door in PGP, all the engineers on the PGP team would quit in a highly visible protest, and I would be talking to the press about it. There is no way that I would let this happen, and NAI has shown no interest in putting a back door in PGP.""

Philip Zimmermann
29 August 2000 (updated 19 October 2000)
