which Software convert multimedia is best?


"Multimedia" is a pretty broad term bud. What media type/s are you trying to convert?
i only want to know some software for convert

ex: MP3 to WAV,MP3 to WMA ,MP3 to OGG,MP3 to VQF, WAV to MP3,WAV to WMA,WAV to OGG,WAV to VQF,WMA to MP3, WMA to OGG,WMA to VQF, to OGG and more

Encoding between 2 compressed audioformats is a bad idea and generally depends on the encoder/decoder itself if it's possible ,you will also loose quality....
if you're looking for a great audiotool that can handle most formats and leaves a tiny footprint on your system,I can only recommend 1:


This is a windows gui for most available commandline encoders/decoders with their common presets........
get the codecs you need and unzip in a directory(include Multi_Frontend in that directory)
You need hardly 10mb of space and still beat 99% of commercial programs with the formats you can handle now....:D