Which Audio Channels to keep?

I'm new to all this so please forgive my ignorance. I've been ripping a few cd's with DVD Decrypter, Shrinking file size with DVD2ONE, then writing with Prassi Primo. Like everyone else I don't want to sacrifice too much quality ( if any ) so I've been dropping most of the audio tracks and all subtitles in DVD2ONE. I've just been keeping the AC3 6 channel soundtrack. The copies seem to work ok in my player ( Acoustic Solutions ), stereo sound seems ok, but I don't have a surround sound setup to fully test audio on. I want to keep the surround sound for other people to hear from their players.

Have I messed up here?
Do I need to keep more audio tracks?


ac3 6 channel is dolby 5.1
This is the correct one to keep.
The sound will still be good on stereo systems.
If u have to have only 1 audio track, this is the one.
Thanks for the quick reply. So am I missing anything by dropping the other soundtracks? No information is given for each track so how are you supposed to know what you are dropping?. for example one dvd I copied had ac3 6 channel, ac3 5 channel, ac3 2 channel, another ac3 6 channel, more 2 channel etc?

Thanks again

It depends what language you need.
You can check which track u need with dvd decryptor before (or after) u rip the disc.