Where Can I Get The 2x Fix

i have been told i can download a fix or something so i can burn my DVD-Rs at 2x(i have a pioneer AO5 & AO4
i have some 2x discs..but i have been told i can get a fix so i can burn my other 1X DVD-R at 2x
CAN ANYONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
but what about the AO5 i have the same problem with that!!
should i use the AO4 updater??????
thx for your help!
Treat any "help" from pioneer with caution.
There recent so called help has been to blacklist certain media completely.
Too true Dave!Sony started the same way.The people spoke.Now the new firmware allows 2X burning on just about anything.

The Pioneers are not selling well.My A05 came with a 200$ rebate.200$ below the cost of a Sony.

The Sony's are being sold as fast as they can make them.Pioneer better start listening to the people!
Woody, Daveml,

Same, I felt so misled when I found that the A04 chose to default to 1x if the media was not recognised by the firmware.. lousy. it wasn't one of the points printed in bold in Pioneer's propaganda about the drive.. :cool:

Pioneer should be thankful to firmware ' modifiers ' out there, keep all the frustrated A04 owners happy..



I would stay away from this firmware hack ... burning 2x to 1x certified isn´t that clever .... (most cases)
On the A04/104 if you are burning at 2x then it might work ok on your Pioneer DVR 104 but alot of DVD Players are much more sensative with media.

The only reliable combination I've found is using Traxdata DVD-Rs at 1x speed. A friend has a pretty tempemental DVD Player so I tend to stick with what works and the Traxdata discs at 1x are bulletproof.

I've used the 2x 4 all firmware but they didn't suit my needs so I've gone back to a standard 1.20 firmware which is only patched to be RCP-1.

i mostly burn at 1x useing dvdmaster gen4
havent had one bad one yet

but sometimes when i burn at 2x
i get slight blocks and sometimes freeze in dvd player

burn at 1x on dvdmaster gen4 (95p each)
and you cant go wrong
With Pioneer DVD104, firmware 1.33, i burn at 2x with Nero and Dazzle DVD successfully.
I never tried to burn at a lower speed, and I update the firmware from the first day I add the DVDR drive.
oficial 1.33 willl only burn dvdmaster2x dvd-r at 1x

1.33 2x forall has trouble with some burning software
if you choose 1x speed it burns at 2x
joanna said:
oficial 1.33 willl only burn dvdmaster2x dvd-r at 1x

1.33 2x forall has trouble with some burning software
if you choose 1x speed it burns at 2x
As i wrote: I never tried to burn at a lower speed and i use always the Pioneer DVS-R47A/E and DVS-R470SD media, but i known people which use other media (simple speed 1X) and they can burn at 1X.
I used AO3 the 1st set on the market. I used 1x speed for all my DVD-R 4.7GB. From primoDVD, DVDit 2.5, My DVD 4 suite, Dazzle Complete DVD, Ulead DVDWorkshop 1.2, Pinnacle Studio 8.1 and DVDXcopy. All this software I have try, no problem on 1x speed. My AO3 firmware is up to date.
I use the 1.20 2x for all firmware in my 104 and I've been able to burn all cheap 1x media I've tried at 2x with not 1 coaster. And they play fine in all the set-top players I've tried.
Just lucky I guess.