where are the subs ??


New member
Hi i use dvd-decrypter 3.1.60 to backup my dvd´s then i use ifo-edit 0.95 and finally instant copy to burn the dvd-r i rip the complete dvd every vob etc but the final result has not every sub language but if i look at the dvd-files on my harddisk with powerdvd they are all there but not after i have used ifo-edit and instant copy what am i doing wrong? any ideas ´cos i managed the first time i tried but not anymore help me.
Welcome to the forum.

Maybe a little explanation as to what you acually used IFOEdit for and what settings you chose in IC would help.


New member
I´m acctualy a newbie on this i only read a guide where they used ifoedit to check the sectors i havn´t changed any settings in ic
Can you point to a URL for the guide you followed as unless you tell someone what your doing its a bit hard for anyone to answer.


New member
i have the html-file on my harddisk can´t remember where i got it probably doom9.org can i make a textfile and send it to you ?