When trying to download computer hangs, help

Mister D

New member

I'm using my computer at work, I can access and dowload here but it's usless as I don't have an active cdr burner, but can use the floppy drive for anything under 1.44 mb.

I used to be able to download from home, but now I can't access any forums or download at home, my computer works fine for dowloading music etc. from other sites, this just started recently, I have Zone Alarm, but have it disabled as well as the firewall in windows xp, I close out all virus software and everything possible on the sys tray, but when I come to this site I can access it with no problems at all, but when I try to download something, anything, the hour glass shows up and just hangs, nothing else happens, I recently removed a program called bargain buddy from my computer, could this be causing my problem? I appreciate any help you can give.

Thanks in advance

Mister D