Whats the best prog to convert VOB to VCD


New member
Well seeiing this is my first post, I thought I would make it a good'un.

I have a 0.99 Gb and a 660Mb .vob, I have the latest TMPenc, DVD2SVCD, Nero, Alcohol...

What is the correct way of converting it?

DVD2SVCD gives up exactly at 8Mb, TMPGenc wont play the vob's Audio and the AC3 file DVD2SVCD gives me won't play under TMPGenc.

Nero says it has a beta MPEG-2 plugin and won't convert the first vob but done the second no problemo, I dl'ed the latest codecs to no avail.

I expect this is a lamer post and people here are saying, not that old chestnut but I have not a clue and DVD2SVCD's prog screen is a touch confusing.

Are there any dedicated programs out there that I can feed one Vob in and get avi/mpg out?


AO :)
Run both VOB's through DGIndex, creating a single D2V and demuxing the audio. You should then be able to convert the video with TMPGEnc and the audio with BeSweet. Finally multiplexing the two and authoring/burning.

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