What's the best DVD-R media available?

What brand of DVD-R's do you guys recommend? I've done a few tests on different kinds from brand name to generic...one that seems to work on many set top players is K-Hypermedia. It uses a deep purple dye and is the most reflective. I hear Mitsui DVD-R's are really good and use a gold dye. I haven't tried Verbatim DVD-R's yet but I think they use silver dye. Any experts on this?


hmm...that´s again one of these topics without a real answer ...

cause everybody has different experiences ..
I use Princo right now and never had any problems (burnt about 50) but I know some guys that had probs ...
so there isn´t an answer to this question...

but what are the differences between purple, gold, silver dyes? just reflectivity? i guess i'm trying to figure out (very generally) the best pairing of set top player brands with dvd-r brands so when i burn for my friends I could use the appropriate dvd-r...is there some kind of site that has this info already? if not..there should be